E155 Good Harris Driving Safely
Let’s Be Well Together Podcast - Episode 14
Date: January 14, 2025
Participants: John Webster, Noura Saad and Sheila Webster
Guest: Gord Harris
Start Times and Segments:
[0:00:16] What’s On Your Mind: Noura and John share why they enjoy long walks in nature.
[0:11:45] Expanding Minds Interview: [Social Wellness] In an exercise of Social Wellness, we asked personal injury lawyer Gord Harris for dangers to avoid and things to think about for driving safely and preventing accidents and injuries to ourselves and others. In Gord’s experience, most accidents are caused when people move from a position of safety, then create a danger. They make an unsafe move from a position of safety. This could happen in many situations. It could be an unsafe lane change. You could be stopped and waiting to turn. Accidents can happen when people don’t shoulder check, or make sure the lane is clear, or don’t check their mirrors, or don’t look both ways, etc. They’re often in a hurry. Speed affects reaction time. It might prevent you from recovering from a driver error. It will definitely increase the amount of damage caused when you collide with someone.
[0:31:30] Move That Body: Sheila found a great list of 25 activities to work on in 2025. They’re practical and doable.
Quotes and Take-Aways:
Gord – Speed affects reaction time. It might prevent you from recovering from a driver error. Speed will definitely increase the amount of damage caused when you collide with someone. Please don’t speed while driving.
Gord – At the slower speeds put into place close to schools, you have more time to react whether it’s your error or someone else and it doesn’t take as much distance for you to stop. That’s where speed comes into play the most.
Gord – From what I see, most accidents are caused when people move from a position of safety, then create a danger for somebody else. They make an unsafe move from a position of safety. This could result from many situations. It could be an unsafe lane change. You could be stopped and waiting to turn. Accidents can happen when people don’t shoulder check, or make sure the lane is clear, or don’t check their mirrors, or don’t look both ways, etc. They’re often in a hurry.
Gord – There’s a way to approach any movement when you’re driving. If you’re safe where you are, then make sure you’re safe where you’re going to. You put someone else in danger if you don’t take appropriate steps to make sure where you want to move to is a safe place to be with your motor vehicle.
Gord – Kids won’t always act responsibly. They might dart out into traffic or cross a road without looking. You need to be prepared for these things, particularly when you’re turning. Many accidents happen at crosswalks at intersections.
Guest Information: Gord Harris grew up in Waterloo. He obtained an Arts degree at Wilfrid Laurier University, then Bachelor of Laws and Masters of Business Administration degrees at the University of Alberta. He worked in Alberta for seven years, then came back to Ontario. His firm Harris Law is located in KW. It's a highly respected personal injury firm, where he, his partners, associates and colleagues help people from all walks of life, typically acting against insurance companies or other corporate defendants. He's dedicated to helping address issues and problems faced by people who have been injured because of others or denied benefits from their insurer. He takes satisfaction in knowing that he has helped someone find an acceptable resolution during such a difficult period in their life. Gord gives back to the community in many ways. He's married and the father of three beautiful daughters.
Website: Harris Law Personal Injury Lawyers
Gord’s Page: Gordon W. Harris
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(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) Your wellness check-in team
John, Sammy, Cameron, Sheila, Elise, Isabelle, Noura, Julie and Riley