E118 Mike Farkas Motorcycling Improves His Wellbeing

Let’s Be Well Together Podcast - Episode 118
Date: April 30, 2024

Participants: Elise Seifert, Julie Wilson, John Webster, Cameron Earnshaw and Stephen Seifert
Guest: Mike Farkas (Interview) and Riley Thompson (Move That Body)

Start Times and Segments:

[0:00:35] What’s On Your Mind: Following up on the tips discussed in Episodes 98 and 113, we finish the list of 31 ways to reduce household waste to help the environment: “31 Ways to Reduce Waste in Your Homes”, a Buzzfeed article by Danielle Healy (August 13, 2023). Elise and Julie talk about ideas 21-31.

[0:10:20] Expanding Minds Interview: [General Wellness] We interview Mike Farkas about how motorcycling improves his overall wellbeing.⁠ His business took a lot of his time and energy. He’s now making time for health and wellness. He got back into the motorcycle life. It gives him an opportunity to disconnect from tech and work completely. There’s only him, his hands on the handlebars and his eyes on the road. It forces you to take your time, take a breath, look around and enjoy the sights and sounds. Some of the best conversations Mike has with himself are on his bike. He’s enjoyed motorcycle trips with his dad. There have been great conversations on breaks. You end up sitting and chit chatting about life. It’s having that bond and getting away from all the busy-ness of life.

[0:22:59] Adventures of the Starving Artist: One of Cameron’s projects is playing on a Shania Twain Tribute Bank. They had a full house for their first show. 4

[0:27:42] Move That Body: Riley Thompson feels great when she goes to the gym, especially after strength training.

[0:32:20] Running Popup: With Sheila travelling with a friend in Europe, John appreciates her independence.

[0:33:27] Flipside of the Coin: Elise and Stephen reminisce about architecture in South Korea. While our business buildings sprawl out and wide in Canada, they stack upwards in South Korea.

Quotes and Take-Aways:

Mike – My business took a lot of my time and energy. I didn’t get a chance to ride. As I’m 15 years into my business now, I’m taking a lot more time for my health and wellness. I got back into the motorcycle life and haven’t regretted it since.

Mike – I’m always connected to something digital in my job, whether it’s the phone or software or something else. I’m constantly sticking my nose in a screen. The motorcycle gives me an opportunity to disconnect completely. There’s only me, my hands on the handlebars and my eyes on the road. There’s no phones. There’s nothing.

Mike – That’s the number one rule – keep your eyes on the road. As long as you’re eyes-up you’re good. It forces you to take your time, take a breath and look around. As well as being a safe thing to do, it forces you to take in and enjoy the sights and sounds.

Mike – Some of the best conversations I’ve had with myself are on my motorcycle, whether it’s about business, life, love or relationships. It’s where I have nothing else to do but think. I can’t distract myself with the little things like my phone or my camera or my work. I’m forced to think. If something’s on my mind, it will come up.

Mike – The biker world has strong unity. We all try to look out for each other. When we waive two fingers down, we’re saying “keep both wheels down” or “keep both wheels on the ground”. There’s such a camaraderie. There’s such a bond between bikers. It’s a very cool experience.

Mike – I’ve had great motorcycle trips with my dad. We enjoy the fresh air. We stop every once in a while. That’s where some great conversations happen. It might be in a Tim Horton’s parking lot. You end up sitting there for an hour chit chatting about life. It’s having that bond and getting away from all the busy-ness of life.

Bulletin Board Quote brought to you by Mike: It’s as if everybody is trying to kill you.

Guest Information: Mike Farkas, owner and lead photographer for G3 Designs Photo Video. With 15 years in business, Mike is a driven and dedicated photographer that truly looks for the beauty in the details.

Website: G3 Designs

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Thanks for joining us,
(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)   Your wellness check-in team
John, Sammy, Cameron, Sheila, Elise, Isabelle, Noura and Julie


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