E119 Andrea Lee Personal Trainer Hybrid Options

Let’s Be Well Together Podcast - Episode 119
Date: May 7, 2024

Participants: John Webster, Noura Saad, Cameron Earnshaw, Julie Wilson and Sheila Webster
Guest: Andrea Lee

Start Times and Segments:

[0:00:16] What’s On Your Mind: We talk about some of the people we’ve met who inspired us in different ways.

[0:11:43] Expanding Minds Interview: [Physical Wellness] We interview Andrea Lee.⁠ There are different ways to work with personal trainers, and many possibilities offered by a hybrid approach. Historically the options were: (1) a certified trainer who works in a gym; (2) a trainer who has a home studio; or (3) a trainer who travels to a client’s home. People could also train at a gym or a center that does large group classes. Technology (and Covid shutdowns) brough options and changes. People can work with a trainer online, using one of the virtual platforms (Facetime, Zoom, Teams, etc.). Online coaching is another option. A program is sent to you online or through an app. You’re not spending one-on-one time with your trainer or coach. The learn your goals and set a plan tailored for you. The client chooses what day to do the exercises, then check in with the trainer regularly, often by email. Combinations work. Some of Andrea’s clients train with her, and they also enjoy group classes at other places. People don’t need to stick with just one thing. It’s great to have a variety. Andrea is using a hybrid model herself, with some people visiting her home studio, others doing virtual training sessions and others using online coaching. It allows her to see more people, because it allows for clients to choose an option that works best for them.

[0:28:02] Adventures of the Starving Artist: Cameron thought he was passed over after applying to audition for a metal vocals project, but he was wrong. He got a belated and very nice response and will be auditioning soon.

[0:32:54] Move That Body: Julie asked AI for a list of unconventional ways to exercise. It came up with a fun list of ideas.

[0:38:27] Running Popup: John realized, surprisingly, that life got in the way and he stopped being a distance runner. He was running, but not enough mileage. He’s hoping that getting back into it will feel great again.

[0:40:34] Flipside of the Coin: We can get obsessed about something, maybe a sports team or a hobby. Our lives center on it, which is odd because it makes no different to most people’s lives.

Quotes and Take-Aways:

Andrea – Historically the options for working with a personal trainer include: find a certified trainer who works in a gym; there are many trainers who now have home studios, like myself; and there are trainers who travel to people’s homes.

Andrea – Online options brought changes with Covid happening and gyms needing to shut down. People could work online with their trainer from their own home. The trainer is on one of the virtual platforms (Facetime, Zoom, Teams, etc.). It allowed them to continue with their fitness.

Andrea – I still use online options and will continue to do that. It’s become part of my training protocol. I still have about half my clients on virtual platforms and half of them come into the studio.

Andrea – Other places to train include at a gym or a center that does large group classes. There are places now that are specific to doing only large classes. You go when those classes are available, for example CrossFit, F45 and Orange Theory. That’s another nice option.

Andrea – Some of my clients use the group class facilities. They train with me, but they also enjoy doing those classes. They enjoy being with their friends. It becomes this hybrid model. You don’t need to stick with just one thing.

Andrea – It’s great to have a variety. As a personal trainer, I program for my clients around their other activities. I know what days they go to a group class. My client can check in with me to let me know they did a lot of legs today. I can change the program if there are too many legs. I might do more upper body focus and core mobility work. We work together.

Andrea – It’s a great model to have flexibility in exercise options. You don’t need to stick to one thing. My clients used to feel bad, as if they were going behind my back when workout out at other places. You don’t need to feel bad. It’s great. Enjoy! Do as much as you can.

Andrea – Online coaching has been around for a long time, but it’s new to many people. You work with a coach. A program is sent to you online or through an app. You’re not spending 45 minutes or an hour with your trainer or coach one-on-one. I would meet you online and do your intake. I would find out how many times a week you want to train, what your goals are and other things. We would map it out for something like 12 weeks. I create a program and send it to them. They have everything you need – reps, sets, exercises. They choose what day you can fit it in. It gives them flexibility. They can exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening. You do check-ins with your coach, often once a week. It could be via email with questions, getting them answered and talking about the program.

Andrea – With online coaching, the personal trainer must be available for check-ins, so that the clients can continue to progress.

Andrea – I’m starting to do more online coaching so that I can have a hybrid model as a personal trainer: some people coming into the studio; working with some people virtually where I see them for a session; and working with other clients through online coaching. This allows me to see more people, because it allows for clients to choose an option that works best for them.

Bulletin Board Quote brought to you by Elise: We decided to have a day of hitting things.

Guest Information: Andrea Lee has been certified with the Canadian Professional Trainers Network since 1996 and she is also a CPTN practical assessor. She has a background in post rehabilitation and holistic nutrition. She began her career in Toronto, working with top industry professionals. She currently resides in Cambridge and for the past 15 years, she's been running her own personal training studio. She’s won the Cambridge Readers’ Choice Award for Best personal trainer and overall service several years in a row. It doesn’t matter if you’re a youth athlete, adult athlete or general fitness enthusiast, Andrea creates her personal training programs based on her client’s needs.

Link to website to connect with her: Andrea Lee Fitness

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Thanks for joining us,
(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)   Your wellness check-in team
John, Sammy, Cameron, Sheila, Elise, Isabelle, Noura and Julie


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