E127 Martin Pytela Getting Nutrients and Expelling Toxins

Let’s Be Well Together Podcast - Episode 127
Date: July 2, 2024

Participants: John Webster, Elise Seifert, Cameron Earnshaw, Sheila Webster and Stephen Seifert

Start Times and Segments:

[0:00:16] What’s On Your Mind: Many people talk about spoiling themselves as self-care – eating sweets or pampering with a spa day, etc. We see self-care differently. We talk about an article that resonates with us.

[0:09:42] Expanding Minds Interview: [Physical Wellness] We interview Martin Pytela, who gives science lessons about important aspects of nutrition. He explains macronutrients (which give us energy we need day-to-day) and micronutrients (which protect us from damage done when macronutrients burn in the energy creating process). Martin talks about metabolic typing, where autonomic dominant and oxidizer dominant people process energy in different ways. There are differences in endocrine dominance. You could be dominated by thyroid, adrenal or pituitary. Each has a different preference when it comes to food. He explains how antioxidants work. We talk about different types of toxins and the need to eliminate them, including how moving that body (one of our podcast themes) helps the process. He asks us to consider three processes: appropriation (what you put in), absorption (what you keep); and elimination (what you get rid of). If any one of these three is impacted, you have deficits.

[0:30:34] Adventures of the Starving Artist: Cameron got busy when he thought he was about to have down-time to chill out.

[0:35:38] Move That Body: We’re back to gym etiquette -Part 3

[0:42:15] Running Popup: John likes Michael A. Singer’s sailing analogy from his book The Untethered Soul, when it comes to balance. It’s about avoiding the extremes.

[0:44:43] Flipside of the Coin: Elise and Stephen took lessons from teaching children in Korea (and for Stephen in the U.S. as well). It helps them when teaching students in Canada.

Quotes and Take-Aways:

Martin – Energy comes into us through the macronutrients, which are carbohydrates, fat and protein. Calories are important for day-to-day or minute-to-minute existence. The other nutrients, the micronutrients, such as pigments, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, etc., are very important for our long-term survival. That’s what maintains the health, because when you’re burning stuff when you’re converting food into energy. There’s fire in your cells. It’s in the mitochondria and it produces similar effect to what you’d see in a campfire – heat and damage. You need to undo the damage by protecting this in an envelope that’s essentially anti-oxidants. Otherwise, you age very fast.

Martin – I will not last very long without the macronutrients, but I will die very young without the micronutrients.  

Martin – Metabolic typing determined that there are dominances in how we process energy. I could be dominated by the oxidizing system or the regulating system, which call autonomic. I could be an autonomic dominant or oxidizer dominant. They convert energy and react to input differently. Autonomic is alkalized by carbohydrates and acidified by fats and proteins. The oxidizers is the other way around – a complete mirror image.

Martin – Metabolic typing also identifies your endocrine dominance. There are three in men and four in women. You could be dominated by your thyroid, adrenal or pituitary. Each one of them looks different. Each one has a preference on how to eat food. Thyroid type should be eating three meals a day, of about equal size and each with some protein.  That will maintain well. Adrenal type does best when he has tiny or no breakfast, light lunch and heavy dinner. Pituitary is flipped – large breakfast, small lunch and no dinner. You need to play into the dominance. The other thing is a thyroid gains weight with starch and loses weight with fat. Adrenal is completely opposite. He’ll gain weight with fat and lose weight with fruits and salad.

Martin – [What are antioxidants?] Every transaction has the oxidation and reduction side. It’s the exchange of electrons. Oxidation occurs when the electron is taken away. Reduction is when an electron is given in everything you do, one side is the giver and the other side is the taker. For wood burning in a fire, the oxygen enters and the wood donates carbon and heat. The heat is expended. The carbon is converted into carbon-dioxide. Up it goes. You are oxidizing the carbon. Inside a human body, oxidation looks like rusting, aging, wrinkles, pain and that sort of stuff. The antioxidant is there like a blanket that you throw on the fire to put out the missing electron. You donate an electron into the oxidation that created the deficit.

Martin – There are two types of detoxification, based on two types of toxins you bring into your body. One is the industrial age garbage, such as heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, chemicals, plastics, etc. That’s a group of its own. You will also have metabolites even if you live in a clean way eating organic foods. You will produce poop and all that stuff. Your food needs to be properly processed in your mouth, stomach, intestines and so on. Your lymphatic system doesn’t have a natural pump. It only moves when you bounce the body against gravity. Walking, running or other activities are awesome because they help to circulate the extra-cellular or interstitial fluids where a lot of the metabolites are contained. If you are creating a swamp by being too sedentary, or by eating foods that are too rich in this and not well in that, then you’ll start creating metabolic toxicity. It’s as important to remove metabolic toxicity as it is to remove environmental type toxins.

Martin – Let’s think about three processes: appropriation (what you put in), absorption (what you keep); and elimination (what you get rid of). If any one of these three is impacted, you have deficits.

Guest Information: Martin Pytela is a highly regarded functional medicine expert and Metabolic Typing coach with a passion for restoring vitality to individuals and the planet. He has extensive experience, alongside a commitment to holistic health and wellness. Martin is a Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor who offers his Health Coach services based on Metabolic Typing. This is a method that helps determine which foods and supplements will be most appropriate for different people.

Life Enthusiast Website: life-enthusiast.com

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Thanks for joining us,
(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)   Your wellness check-in team
John, Sammy, Cameron, Sheila, Elise, Isabelle, Noura and Julie


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