E128 Chris Pelletier - Mark Preece Family House

Let’s Be Well Together Podcast - Episode 128
Date: July 9, 2024

Participants: John Webster and Sheila Webster
Guest: Chris Pelletier

Start Times and Segments:

[0:00:16] What’s On Your Mind: We are introducing a new show format, moving from 6 segments every episode to 3 segments: 1. What’s on Your Mind; 2. Interview; and a new third segment that will rotate between (a) Move That Body or (b) Running Popup & Starving Artist, or (c) Flipside of the Coin. We hope it keeps things fresh.

[0:08.01] Expanding Minds Interview: [Social Wellness] We interview Chris Pelletier about the Mark Preece Family House in Hamilton, which provides a calm in the storm when people travel from another city to be with loved ones in hospital in Hamilton. Mark was an ICU physician at Hamilton Health Sciences, who passed away from cancer. He received care in Pittsburgh during the last 6 months of his treatment. His family stayed at a hospital family house. They realized there was nothing similar in Hamilton where they lived. They decided to get working on the project, which was named after Mark. Guests stay at a low cost, with access to free parking, a kitchen and laundry facilities. Community members provide support, including by making dinner for guests. Guests have other people to talk to, who are experiencing similar things. Many guests say, “You guys saved my life. It was so nice and warm and comforting and homelike.” People can go to the website – markpreecehouse.ca – to make a donation and find other ways to help.

[0:26:20] Move That Body: A great way to start each day: 5-5-5-30. As soon as you get out of bed, do 5 push ups, 5 squats, 5 lunges and a 30-second plank. It gets you energized and kicks our system into gear.

Quotes and Take-Aways:

Chris – Mark Preece was an ICU physician at Hamilton Health Sciences who was diagnosed with cancer. He underwent specialized care in Pittsburgh during the last 6 months of his treatment. His family stayed at a hospital family house. They realized there was nothing similar in Hamilton where they lived. They decided to get working on the project.

Chris – The Mark Preece Family House has operated since 2011. There are 24 rooms in the house.

Chris – Guests are referred to the Mark Preece Family House when visiting people in hospital, for example by members of a health team. We take them in. They pay $60 per night. There’s free parking along with kitchen and laundry facilities. People can stay as long as they need to.

Chris – In the past year we served almost 600 families. We had about 6,000 nights stayed by family members.

Chris – We get many letters, cards and donations from former guests. It’s a amazing. Thank you notes are so heart-felt. Many guests say, “You guys saved my life. It was so nice and warm and comforting and homelike.” Just being able to see those messages is wonderful.

Chris – People can go to the website – markpreecehouse.ca – to make a donation. There are other ways to donate, including wish lists on Amazon, or a combined list through MyRegistry, which is Amazon and Costco, where you can purchase items of need that are shipped to us.

Chris – Other options to help include to Adopt A Day, which sponsors a day. People can share a message, such as a birthday, anniversary or to celebrate a life. We have another program called Thyme for Dinner that allows individuals, groups or organizations to come in and prepare dinner for our guests.

Guest Information: Chris Pelletier discovered his love of communications while in High School, while working at a student newspaper. His love continued as he ran the student newspaper at Nipissing University before entering the Broadcast Journalism program at Canadore College. For more than 25 years, Chris has been involved in the field of marketing and communications in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors and indigenous organizations. Chris, his wife Cindy, and their dog Charlie moved to Winnipeg in 2016 where he worked and completed a BA at University of Manitoba. He served as the Communications Officer with the First Nations Family Advocate Office. Upon returning to Ontario in 2022, Chris took on the role as Communications and Development Specialist at The Mark Preece Family House. He’s helping to improve their visibility in the community through social media and other means.

Website: Mark Preece Family House

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website: https://letsbewelltogether.com
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Thanks for joining us,
(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)   Your wellness check-in team
John, Sammy, Cameron, Sheila, Elise, Isabelle, Noura, Julie and Riley


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