E130 Erin Farrell Pro Bono Lawyers Helping Communities

Let’s Be Well Together Podcast - Episode 130
Date: July 23, 2024

Participants: John Webster, Riley Thompson and Sheila Webster
Guest: Erin Farrell

Start Times and Segments:

[0:00:35] What’s On Your Mind: What did Carl Jung mean when he said, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves”? We’re not sure, but it’s an interesting quote to discuss.

[0:09:30] Expanding Minds Interview: [Social and Economic Wellness]

[0:25:12] Flipside of the Coin: After seeing people cut the line while boarding a plane, unwilling to wait for their zone to be called, we wonder why some people won’t follow social constructs that help all of us.

Quotes and Take-Aways:

Erin – With pro bono work, lawyers provide legal services to clients without charging fees. It’s often provided to marginalized or disadvantaged people, non-profits or charities. Other examples are acting on public good, including making arguments at appeal courts or the Supreme Court of Canada on matters that affect day-to-day Canadian lives.

Erin – The cost of litigating a matter or taking one through the courts has grown exponentially. There are costs barriers to accessing legal services. There are also comprehension and other barriers that prevent people from being able to access some basic legal advice.

Erin – Examples of pro bono work lawyers in my firm have been involved in include fighting for disability benefits for disadvantaged folks or families living with disabilities. They may have been denied or had benefits clawed back. We help file appeals on behalf of those families to help get cash in their hands, so they can build ramps or hire care workers and things like that.

Erin – Gowling WLG has worked on big matters, such as helping people escape Afghanistan and the Taliban. Our lawyers in Ottawa helped many educated women escape Afghanistan. That involves negotiations with governments and all sorts of paperwork and discussions.

Erin – Gowling WLG often helps Indigenous folks understand their rights, such as fishing related rights. We help to enforce their rights.

Erin – Some of the tasks are as simple as commissioning a document for someone trying to change their identity markers. It’s a very small commitment, but it’s something that can be very impactful for someone.

Erin – Pro bono works has increasingly become a part of what we lawyers look for as having a successful career. Many of us went to law school because we want to do interesting and challenging work. Many of our paying clients are great corporate citizens who want to do the right thing in every circumstance. It gives some of our professionals a sense of balance, working for paying clients and also using their brain and resources of the firm to help those experiencing hardship in one way or another.

Erin – We are very privileged as lawyers. I believe it’s our professional responsibility to give back. I also believe it’s becoming more important to junior lawyers. It helps them see themselves long-term at a law firm when they are encouraged to do this kind of work in their communities.

Guest Information: Originally from Newfoundland, Erin Farrell is a partner in Gowling WLG's Toronto office, practising in the firm's advocacy department. Prior to pursuing a career in law, she conducted genetics research (In California or at a large pharmaceutical company). For the past few years Erin has been Chair of Gowling’s Pro Bono program, helping Gowlings lawyers across the country do pro bono work in their communities.

Erin’s Bio page with Gowling WLG: Erin Farrell

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(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)   Your wellness check-in team
John, Sammy, Cameron, Sheila, Elise, Isabelle, Noura, Julie and Riley


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