E131 Martin Pytela Environment Affects Our Bodies

Let’s Be Well Together Podcast - Episode 131
Date: July 30, 2024

Participants: Sheila Webster, John Webster and Noura Saad
Guest: Cheryl Rickers and Martin Pytela

Start Times and Segments:

[0:00:16] What’s On Your Mind: Sheila and Cheryl kick off a new regular session – chatting about their favourite episode segments from a prior month. They start with May – segments they enjoyed and/or made them think.

[0:11:35] Expanding Minds Interview: [Environmental and Physical Wellness] Martin Pytela talks about ways the environment impacts our bodies. Our bodies are not designed for the industrial age. There’s no natural way to get rid of lead, mercury, microplastics, etc. The body can only sequester it, for example hide it away in fat, cartilage and bone. The industrial age has brought a rising level of autoimmune and chronic, degenerative, inflammatory diseases. When a manufacturer sells you a car, they don’t care about what happens to the carcass. When you put tires on your car, what happens to them when you’re finished with them? There is a price to be paid. Martin would like to see us holding each other collectively and individually responsible for the full cycle of everything we make. Otherwise, the environment will become so toxic that life will probably fail.

[0:27:11] Move That Body: There are some miniscule muscles in the body. We need to work them and pay attention to them.

Quotes and Take-Aways:

Martin – We have a rising level of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Chronic, degenerative, inflammatory diseases are on the rise. In the 1950’s, it was 2-3% of the population. It’s been rising steadily. Now about 20% of the population has an inflammatory disease.

Martin – The body starts a process called inflammation when it tries to repair itself. Imagine you roll an ankle. Symptoms as the body tries to repair itself include redness, heat, swelling, pain and loss of function. If you imagine internally, microinjuries are occurring – a lot of it.

Martin – Industrial toxicity happens because our bodies are not designed for the industrial age. There is no natural way to get rid of lead, mercury, Teflon, microplastics or whatever. There is no pathway for it, so it accumulates. The body can only sequester it, for example hide it away in fat and low circulation tissue like cartilage and bone.

Martin – We need to hold irresponsible people to account. There are two types of people – givers and takers. Plunderers will treat the resources as if they are theirs. They will take away the spoils and externalize the damage. That needs to stop.

Martin – We all need to demand that manufacturers address the complete life cycle of every product. When you put tires on your car, what will happen to the tires when you’re finished with them? There is a price to be paid. When a manufacturer sells you a car, they don’t care about what happens to the carcass. Someone else will need to take care of it. I would like to see us holding each other collectively and individually responsible for the full cycle of everything we do. Otherwise the environment will become so toxic that life will probably fail.

Guest Information: Martin Pytela is a highly regarded functional medicine expert and Metabolic Typing coach with a passion for restoring vitality to individuals and the planet. He has extensive experience, alongside a commitment to holistic health and wellness. Martin is a Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor who offers his Health Coach services based on Metabolic Typing. This is a method that helps determine which foods and supplements will be most appropriate for different people.

Life Enthusiast Website: life-enthusiast.com

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John, Sammy, Cameron, Sheila, Elise, Isabelle, Noura, Julie and Riley


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