E034 Elise Seifert Yoga Instruction in India

Let’s Be Well Together Podcast - Episode 34
Date: September 20, 2022

Participants: John Webster, Sammy Damaren, Cameron Earnshaw and Sheila Webster
Guest: Elise Seifert

Start times and Segment Segments:

[0:00:44] What’s On Your Mind: John asks Sammy about balance, when so much of her time and energy is devoted to renovating and getting ready to move into her first house – an all-consuming process that can become overwhelming. There are lots of physical and social activities, but not much else. The day-to-day balance and routine is off, but it’s worth it from the perspective of balance over time.

[0:09:54] Expanding Minds Interview: [Physical and Spiritual Wellness] Elise Seifert was introduced to yoga in uni days. She saw it as a nice transition after years of dance classes. It was so much more than she expected. She loved the mindfulness and had an almost out-of-body experience. Inspired by the book Eat, Pray, Love, she attended a yoga instructor course in Goa, India. She chats about asana (physical practice of yoga), including hatha, vinyāsa, therapeutic and ashtanga styles. She goes over the eight limbs of yoga: yamas (how you treat other people); niyamas (how you treat yourself); asana (physical practice); pranayama (breathing); pratyahara (looking inwards); dharana (concentration); dhyana (de-concentration); samadhi (bliss). When you have all of the limbs working together you reach samadhi.

[0:23:50] Adventures of the Starving Artist: Cameron joined musicians to play at a wedding and had a unique experience rehearsing just before the performance.

[0:28:03] Move That Body: Sheila came across a post about food that contains a good amount of iron, other than meat. Low iron means low energy. Sheila’s had that experience. It’s good to know about these foods.

[0:34:58] Running Popup: John talks about a couple unexpected byproducts of getting in touch with the body after getting in shape. One is illuminating and the other is motivating.

[0:37:24] Flipside of the Coin: Sheila and John talk about whether to plant a seed when someone isn’t ready to receive a message.

Quotes and Take-Aways:

Elise – Yoga was so much more than I expected when I first tried it. I didn’t realize the connection between mindfulness and physical practice. I didn’t realize that was the focus of yoga. I had just imagined it was an exercise class.

Elise – At the end of one of one of my early yoga classes, I had almost an out-of-body experience. I felt like I was grounded, yet I was floating up into the sky and into the stars. They talk about a runner’s high. It was like a yoga high.

Elise – Something I learned was that you’re supposed to do yoga on an empty stomach.

Elise – The main learning I took away from this experience, at least from my philosophy classes, was that the physical practice of yoga is actually just one of the limbs of yoga. To follow the practice of yoga, you’re supposed to be following the eight limbs.

Elise – Our teacher told us if you follow all these yoga limbs and practices “to a T,” you will not fit into your western culture.

Bulletin Board Quote brought to you by John: I’m not laughing. Now I’m onto it.

Guest Information: Elise Seifert is a primary school teacher, a dance teacher, and a certified yoga instructor. She enjoys the arts and attended and arts high school. In addition to dancing, Elise is an accomplished pianist and an amateur guitarist. She combined travel with her uni days, including doing her first year of university in England. She travelled to many European cities during that year. She taught English in Korea after uni, then took time to travel throughout Asia.

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